Established in 1787 as the Church of the New Jerusalem

About Us…

The Fryeburg New Church actually is not so new! We’ve been an active part of the Fryeburg community for years, first meeting in 1877 at the Old Oxford House. We’re part of the Church of New Jerusalem, whose spiritual writings and beliefs have inspired and influenced Johnny Appleseed, Helen Keller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, William Blake, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and many others through the years.

The New Jerusalem Church has held an abiding appreciation of other religions since it was organized in London in 1787. Our church was instrumental in planning the first Parliament of World Churches, held in Chicago in 1893, and was one of the first churches in the Western world to teach that salvation is an inner experience.

The writings of scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg are used as an aid for understanding the inner meaning of the Bible. We believe the Bible is Divinely inspired. It teaches us about the loving and transforming nature of God who is available to everyone.

What a person believes is important…...and, even more important is how we live. By opening ourselves to God and each other and living genuinely loving and caring lives, we are doing our part to fulfill the purpose for which we believe every person was brought into being. That purpose is to work with God in creating Heaven on Earth.